Journal article Open Access

Invenio: A Digital Document Repository Framework

Gamboa, Carlos Fernando

JSON Export

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    "creators": [
        "affiliation": "Brookhaven National Laboratory", 
        "name": "Gamboa, Carlos Fernando"
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    "doi": "10.5072/zenodo.66", 
    "access_right_category": "success", 
    "publication_date": "2020-11-20", 
    "description": "<p>A Research Digital Management (RDM) repository is a web based service that would provide BNL&rsquo;s scientific community a means to share and preserve their scientific results while making them Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR). Towards this goal Invenio, an open-source software framework for building large-scale digital repositories, is being used to create a research data management platform called InvenioRDM. An overview of the Invenio service at BNL and the status of InvenioRDM development will be provided in this talk.</p>", 
    "title": "Invenio: A Digital Document Repository Framework", 
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